Graduate Students

We are looking for an excellent grad student this coming year! We hope you can join us!

Graduate applications are due in December. Links for each program are below. If you you are interested in joining the lab, please contact Jenny in Fall (late September- November) of the application year if you intend to begin graduate school in Fall of the following year. Please include a brief description of your background and a description of how your research interests intersect with the goals of the lab.

Georgia Tech is a great place to be a graduate student! Atlanta is a fun, international city with great food and nightlife. Georgia Tech has lots of great infrastructure for graduate students and a fun community, as well.

Dr. McGuire can accept graduate students through Quantitative Biosciences (usually due Dec. 1), the School of Biological Sciences (usually due Dec. 1), or the School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (usually due Jan. 1), so there are plenty of options depending on how you think you want to pitch your degree. Do you qualify for an application fee waiver? Check here!

SEPL is an interdisciplinary lab that thrives from incorporating researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines. We seek to create a community of scientists with complementary backgrounds that will be mutually informative. Students or scientists with interests and skills in any of the following may find a good fit with the lab:

  • Ecology
  • Spatial or landscape ecology
  • Computational sciences– especially those interested in spatial modeling & model development
  • Biogeography
  • Paleontology
  • Conservation biology
  • Geology or earth sciences

SEPL has graduate students and postdocs that are interested in the following areas:

  • Range shift dynamics in response to environmental change
  • Interactions between landscape and organismal dynamics
  • Effects of changing climates on intraspecific variation
  • Other relevant spatial ecology, conservation, &/or paleoecological topics

Some specific projects include the following:

  • Microfauna paleoecology of Natural Trap Cave, WY
  • Trait-environment relationships of mammals
  • The climate fidelity of plants and animals
  • Geographic range changes in response to climate and anthropogenic change

Currently, research assistant (RA) and teaching assistant (TA) funding is limited. Other opportunities and sources of funding may be available.

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