SEPL has moved!!

In January, renovations were finally completed on SEPL’s new office and lab spaces. SEPL has officially moved to the Ford ES&T Building, which is populated by ecologists and geologists. It’s a nice home for our program. We are really pleased with our lab renovations. We now have a “clean” space for imaging and computational...

New TNC Paper

Jenny contributed to a really interesting paper in One Earth, led by the Nature Conservancy, entitled “Lower cost and more feasible options to restore forest cover in the contiguous United States for climate mitigation”. Check it out here. This publication is linked with a set of maps, which can be found here. The citation...

Congratulations to postdoc Rachel Short…

..for publishing the a really interesting paper evaluating the performance of ecometric methods. Check it out here. Abstract: Ecometrics is the study of community‐level functional trait–environment relationships. We use ecometric analyses to estimate paleoenvironment and to investigate community‐level functional changes through time. We evaluate four methods that have been used or have the potential...

Ecosystems and Climate Panel

Jenny mediated a discussion about ecosystems and climate for the Global Climate Action Symposium. The panel included global experts: * Jennifer Marlon, Yale University * Shyla Raghav, Conservation International * Joel Kostka, Georgia Institute of Technology * Jérôme Gaillardet, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Watch it here!...

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